

Siskin - Spring 2013

In the very long late winter and spring of 2013 we had an unusual number of Siskins guest. sometimes in groups of nearly 40 birds they fell on our feeders, their bright squeal was over weeks across the whole place to hear. In between, they had almost disappeared, but when the temperatures again fell, they were back on the spot.

Siskins belong to the family of finches, their nests they build high up in conifers. They are small and dainty, the male is colored striking, chin, forehead and crown are black here.

001 Erlenzeisig

002 Erlenzeisig

003 Erlenzeisig

004 Erlenzeisig

005 Erlenzeisig

006 Erlenzeisig

007 Erlenzeisig

008 Erlenzeisig