

Texel in September 2020

After 7 years we were once again on the island Texel for one week, we actually had the vacation already planned for spring, but unfortunately had to postpone due to Corona circumstances. 2 days before our departure Noord-Holland had declared to be a risk area, but we decided to go nevertheless and to do a corona test after our return journey.


grey geese

Weather-wise we had a very varied week, the program was sun, rain, fog, thunderstorm, rainbow.


Rainbow in de Slufter

The best guarantees in the early morning were once again the water points on the east coast - Ottersaat, Minkewaal and Wagejot.


Pied Avocet

One morning there was thick fog all over the island, it took almost 2 hours to see the sun again.



In the southern area of the island, with de Geul and in the Mokbai, many birds stood in the flat water, also several spoonbills were still there. At the Grote Vlag / Pal 9 in the southwest we found some whinchat and stonechat, bluethroat were not present anymore.



We made an excursion in de Slufter together with Jos van den Berg, actually we were looking for peregrine falcons and other birds, but a strong wind made sure that we hardly saw any birds. In return there was a great photo light for beautiful landscape shots in the area available.


de Slufter

A very nice opportunity to watch and photograph waders during their rest was also the old port of de Cocksdorp overlooking the peninsula with bird sanctuary Volharding.



We also had great sightings in Midden Eierland, where hundreds of lapwings together with golden plovers on the agricultural land. Difficult to capture photographically, but still very impressive.


Golden Plover

Conclusion: Texel is always worth a trip, unfortunately not too many migratory birds were to be seen. Because some days stronger wind was blowing, the sum of the sightings was limited. If the conditions in 2021 allow it, we would plan to visit the island again in early summer.


List of observed birds