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We are Antje and Roland and live again in the "Ländle" since the end of 2013 in a small community in the Enz-Region. In our free time we usually are in nature, moving rarely without a camera. Bird watching in their natural environment and capture special moments, one of our favorite pastimes. It is very important to us, not to disturb the animals in their natural habitat.

In our wildlife garden, which is visited year round by deer, there are some nesting boxes for birds and bats. 3 of them are equipped with cameras so that we can trace the breed happening. Since the installation of a camera in the church tower of St. Barbara's Church in Ellmendingen (2016) where kestrels regularly nest even there the breeding can be observed. We hope for interesting shots again this year.

Since we spend our vacations mainly on or under water, we also here love it, to observe marine animals of all kinds and take pictures. Our favorite dive destination is Indonesia, but there are a few other dreams on our 'To-Do list'. Under the heading Travel-reports you will find a whole lot of documentation of the dive sites we visited and the respective countries.

This website is intended to share our activities with interested nature lovers, scuba divers and nature photographers. Suggestions regarding design and any improvements we are happy to take on. So we look forward particularly to feedback via our Guestbook. If you have problems with the representation of individual pages or entire areas we ask for a short information using our contact form.

We are back from Mexico. Trip report has been uploaded.